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About me

Originally from Queens, New York, I attended high school on the rockaway peninsula, which sits between the Atlantic Ocean and Jamaica Bay. Sounds amazing right, keep reading! Ironically my school was also in low income area. Living in Rockaway, it seemed as if non-Rockaway residents cared more about the beach than the actual residents.


In 2004 Rockaway had something no one else had (as far as I knew). A high school with a Marine Science summer program. Although Jamaica Bay didn't smell awesome it was a wonderful ecosystem to explore right in my own backyard. From the first time I held a horseshoe crab, I was hooked. I told myself that I could spend a lifetime trying to understand all that went into that ecosystem and those surrounding it.


When I started college I discovered that I could put the math I was being taught to use protecting our marine resources, including everyone’s favorite fish, Red snapper. There is a lot of amazing quantitative research being conducted by fisheries scientists. All of this research ensures that our favorite fish continues to end up on our dinner plate. Since my first experience with quantitative fisheries I wanted to help others make the connection between the issues of the ocean (right outside of their doors) and the fish on their dinner plate. A couple of research experiences later and here you are reading about it. Please keep checking in as I build on my fisheries research experiences.


If you want to learn more about my experiences, please take a look at my CV here.

Jamaica Bay horseshoe crab Summer 2002

NC State Student Research Cruise

Beaufort, NC 2010

Western Groundfish Confernce Nanaimo

British Columbia 2014

NC State College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Scope Magazine 50th anniversary issue (Link: Summer 2011)

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